How to stand out and sell out whilst having a life you love (without social media)
Growing your business & getting clients can be simple.
You know you have an incredible business & ideas. You know you can make a huge difference. The problem is time.
You know you need to promote your business, but you don't have time to keep experimenting & trying the latest tools.
You need to spend time with your clients, changing their lives- not waste time trying different ways to attract them.
You need time for you. Time to be with your family, friends or just to switch off.
You feel frustrated trying to get the perfect balance...
Not anymore.
I want to show you the shortcuts and give you a simple way to achieve your dreams.
Simple ways to speak to more customers Simple ways to bring in more money Simple ways to have more time- no more posting and praying at midnight!
(All without a single facebook post)
Would you like to know how to stand out so that customers come to you, with a message that magnetically attracts? Would you like to discover what to say and where to say it? Would you like a 30 day action plan to save you time and sell more?
I want you to start seeing these results today, and have more time with friends and family straight away so I've put together this mini course at a crazy introductory price to help you stand out and sell out.
Over 4 weeks you will go from frustrated to free time with more cash.
I know you have tried challenges before, maybe you have been told by your guru to post everyday online. I know you haven't experienced the success you can achieve and feel frustrated. I will take you through the tools and work with you to create a plan tailored to you and your clients. Not a generic cookie cutter course. I'll be on hand to offer specific advice.
Why is the course based on offline methods? Social media is noisy. You aren't always heard. The quickest way to get results is to look off social media.
The next course is starting on 2nd September 2022. Click the button below to access the course for only £97.00
Access the course & get a focus hour for only £75.00 (normally £150.00) Add on a focus hour to review one aspect of your marketing. We spend 60 minutes working 1:1 focusing on one topic that you are finding frustrating or overwhelming. At the end of the hour you will receive a summary and action list to help you move forward
4 module mini course with access between 2nd September and 2nd October 2022
The mini course includes the below elements: YOUR IDEAL CLIENT (BONUS)- Video and Workbook Identify your Ideal Client Understand their current situation
YOU & YOUR CLIENTS How to set goals Discover what your ideal client needs right now Match your products and services to their needs Identify the resources you have at this time
OFFLINE PROMOTIONS- Video An introduction to the best offline methods Choose the best places to promote based on you and your ideal client
CRAFT YOUR MESSAGE- Video & Worksheet A step by step system to create your message that makes you stand out How to promote it in different ways Create a headline to sell
WORD OF MOUTH & PERSONAL SELLING- Video How to utilise word of mouth & personal selling as your marketing methods How to get reviews and use them How to ask others to spread the word
30 DAY ACTION PLAN- Video & Template How to take simple actions for the next 30 days
BONUSES Private facebook group with feedback Group welcome call in facebook group 2 x Q & A sessions in facebook group Feedback on your message in facebook group